Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Woes continue for GSD&M... err, Idea City.

AT&T gave a major slap in the face to Idea City on the VERY DAY of GSD&M's name change!

Read what they did. Dramz!

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Woes of GSD&M

Adage has an interesting article about Austin's own GSD&M. The agency will officially change its name to GSD&M's Idea City tomorrow. They haven't announced a reason for this, but I am going to venture a guess and say, maybe it's because they want the acronym to be GSD&MIC?

Read the full article, which discusses recent ups and downs of Austin's biggest agency, here:

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Friday, August 24, 2007


Interesting conference and POV from the past annual planning conference, TED, held in San Diego, California.

edit: You can also download and watch this "Do schools kill creativity?" talk by Sir Ken Robinson at the TED conference official site.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Any thoughts?

How many times have we been victims of the phrase "it's been done before" on our everyday idea seeking brainstorms? I certainly have asked myself that question many times, and my partner has brought it up even more times that I would sometimes care to know about.
I wonder what do you guys think, the spot from Telecom won a Gold Lion and was 2 points away from winning the Grand Prix on 2002, are we to assume that the Pepsi Max commercial will achieve the same on next year's festival?
And more so, does different concepts/communications justify "same style" execution?

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Friday, August 10, 2007

The thing I hate most about advertising is...

From Bryan over at Room 116.

Banksy is perhaps the world's most famous and notorious (He's wanted in two countries) graffiti artist.

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