I was browsing one of my favorite websites, Quora, and I saw this offensive or not ad discussion started by Kevin Baker.
I don't think it's offensive; I think it gives an otherwise mundane hybrid car an attitude. After all, the Cadillac ELR is a Chevrolet Volt that's heavier and more luxurious.
Outspoken marketing is nothing new as Microsoft has done with "Bing it on" versus Google and T-Mobile has done that with "Un-carrier" versus AT&T.
1 Vote by Neel Kumar.
It's pretty ignorant, but life is too short to get offended. Brainlessness is the norm in advertising anyway - always has been. Best to ignore this kind of thing and move on ... our time is too valuable. By giving it our attention, we give undeserved value to worthless things like this.
Answered in twenty minutes.
1 Vote by Kelly Good.
I think the ad is sorta offensive. Americans have indeed done great things, but we went to the moon on the talent of engineers and researchers, not douchebag "Alpha males" driving Cadillacs.
Answered in eighteen minutes.
I am DEEPLY offended. But not for the reasons you think.
I am offended that the ad company thinks that this crappy ad would make me even want to test drive this crappy car. The shitty schtick of shitting on the French (freedom fries, anyone?) got old 20 years back. If this is the best you can do, please give me your contact info so that I can make sure I do not bother to watch anything you make, EVER!
I am offended that the ad company thinks that this crappy ad would make me even want to test drive this crappy car. The shitty schtick of shitting on the French (freedom fries, anyone?) got old 20 years back. If this is the best you can do, please give me your contact info so that I can make sure I do not bother to watch anything you make, EVER!