Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Microsoft fights back

To take on the 79% market share ipod, Microsoft has released the Zune digital music and video player.

And to take on youtube, they've released Soapbox.

Once Microsoft gets involved in online ventures, does it take away some of the, forgive my use of the word, hipness associated with them? The joy of youtube, craigslist, myspace, facebook, and other internet funzones is that they're started by everyday joes who simply had a great idea and a passion for that idea. People like going to these sites because they're "innocent" and for the masses.

Now, that Fox Corp. has bought myspace and facebook and youtube are accepting ads, does it diminish the fun factor of these sites? Once a corporation gets involved, it usually takes away the fun-loving entreprenurial feel of the venture.

Perhaps it might be the same with agencies (who are usually part of corporations) creating myspace pages and blogs for their clients.

From adage.


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