Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Make a Dorito's Super Bowl commercial

Goodby, Silverstein & Partners launched a contest a while back, along with Yahoo!, where everyday people could submit their commercial for a Dorito's super bowl commercial. I didn't really think much of it because I assumed, wrongly, that a lot of the videos would be "youtube-esque" (i.e. someone just gets out their cell phone to record their dog doing a normal task like eating and uploads that).

Well, I just saw the five finalists for the contest. And I am amazed by the quality. They are really cool although some of them were made by people who work for commercial production studios. If you read the finalist's bios, a lot of them just used their home computers and some software to edit the spots; the gap between amateur and professional is rapidly closing.

Another neat thing about it is that people vote on the commercials. What if agencies actually did this with their work? I know there's pre-testing and screening of commercials but that's usually in a formal, structured setting. Are there any agencies that have websites where regular, everyday people can comment on their work?

My personal favorite is Mouse Trap. What's yours?


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