Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where are we headed?

I would like to open up a discussion on how should we create new business models for the ad world. It's pretty apparent things are changing. We've lost in some way credibility and the working model is begging for new thoughts from the core.

What do ya'll think? Some think that we should work based on results, but then how do we justify the overhead of our people. Either way, some accounts work on a 'pitch the project concept' and we're having that problem anyway.

Love to hear perspectives.



David Wen said...

My boss showed me this insightful article from clickz. This excerpt caught my eye.

"I'm not predicting the death of advertising. That's baloney. If anything, we're witnessing the rebirth of an entire industry that's going to expand in ways we've never thought of before -- especially if we expand our concept of what advertising means. And we'd better. Before we blow it like the newspaper industry has."

"The End of Ad Agencies as We Know Them"

Francisco C. Cárdenas said...

Excellent article David. I agree. We need to adjust our models.
Hey, you never know, The Ranch might be the next hot shop.

Cheers my friend.

Promotional Products said...

I concur, a rebirth is much needed. Whether it be resorting back to basic principles or finding new mediums and ways to do things, something needs to be done. I've found that when trying to build or rebuild a brand a great baseline for finding potential customers is through trade shows and conferences, you can meet all sorts of new people face to face and get instant feedback from them and possibly develop news ways to distribute your product.

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