Monday, January 11, 2010

US Buick vs. China Buick

When I was in China, I noticed many upper-class people driving Buicks where in America they would probably be driving an European luxury car. In China, Buick occupies a cool, hip mindset while in America, the brand perception is different.

In China, General Motors has done a superb job of pitching Buick as a cool, even sexy, luxury car. It's not viewed as something your grandfather would drive. Instead, GM positioned Buick as an aspirational brand that fits in perfectly with China's national go-go race to modernity.

As a result, the Buick has become a symbol of the country's rising prosperity — a fun, four-wheeled, tactile embodiment of Deng Xiaoping's famous phrase, "To get rich is glorious."

Compare the two commercials below to see a brand that has already established a strong brand image so they can have more daring ads versus a struggling brand image that is trying very hard to portray hipness.

Chinese Buick ad

American Buick ad

Via Globalpost.


cheap Nintendo DS r4 said...

Whats the name of that song. Can anybody tell me ?

David Wen said...

That's a good question. Let me check on that for you.

David Wen said...

The song is Here Comes the Hotstepper by Ini Kamoze

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