Thursday, May 24, 2012

News Roundup

dENiZEN - Light Painting Video by LICHTFAKTOR

Some of these news updates are a couple months old due to my busy schedule of late.

  • In 2011, children spent more time than ever in front of the TV. In France, children aged 4-14 spent an extra six minutes a day watching television, or 2h18min. Italian children meanwhile extended their lead as some of the biggest consumers of TV in Europe, with 2 hours 42 minutes a day spent in front of the small screen, three minutes more than in 2010.
    - press release from Media Metrie
  • Peter Rosch has written a new book, My Dead Friend Sarah, that is in the top 100 of Amazon this week. More details to come in an upcoming post.
  • Neiman, a public relations company, has re-launched Go Sunoco, a website dedicated to highlighting Sunoco's retail offerings.
  • The face of education is changing, technology is king and we want to equip students with the knowledge to optimize their college experience from a technology standpoint.
    - Find out more at Hack College.


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