Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Portfolio

Well, since this is a blog by Texas Creative students, it's only fitting that we have some portfolios up. I'll kick things off:

Now, this is an advertising blog so I'd prefer to put up some of my ad work. However, my ads aren't quite ready so I'll just put up my design work for now. Comments and criticisms are welcome, employment prospects are encouraged. =)

Creative Underdog

I'd also like to encourage my fellow creatives to submit their work. I've been tracking the Ranch's statistics and can see that it's been getting an increasing amount of attention. This would be a good chance to network and get your stuff seen, so get in touch with me or David so we can link ya up. And if you don't have anything online, I'd be glad to help you get something started.


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LEGAL STUFF: The views expressed on The Ranch are not officially representative of the The University of Texas at Austin. © 2008. All rights reserved. Founded by David Wen, with Silver Cuellar's help, on a lonely February 14, 2006 in Austin, TX for the benefit of all.