Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Things I Have Learned in the Past 42 Months

What I have learned from college, aside from the book stuff, most of which I have forgotten already:

1. Good professors inspire their students to reach beyond their potentials.

2. Brains will take you far, but hard work will take you farther.

3. There's this thing called, "inspired work." It comes when you surround yourself with the right people.

4. Ask for help. You'll get a lot more done, and make good friends along the way too. Then, offer help to others.

5. Do more than just one thing, and do some random things. You'll have more fun eating a box of assorted Jelly Bellies than a box of all Cherry-flavored ones. And, finding a peanut in the midst of the Jelly Bellies is always amusing.

6. Nothing feels better than reaching your goals.

7. It's important to slack off too.

8. You know you are comfortable with who you are when you wear baggy sweatpants, an XL t-shirt, no make-up and a messy pony-tail to public places. Sometimes picking out a wedgie in public becomes pretty bland too.

9. You can never get too many manicures and pedicures.

10. Talk to everyone. You'll meet and bond with people you never would have before.

11. Forever friends are ones you have spent weeks with, without ever arguing or getting annoyed. Instead, you sleep converse, make butt indentions in their carpet from having sat there for too long. And meep. All the time.

12. I'm going to miss UT.

13. Make a baby during your college career, figuratively. Leave a legacy!


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