Friday, January 09, 2009

Top ten posts of 2008

The criteria for the top ten list was a formula of degree of humor, topic matter, number of comments and a bunch of fuzzy numbers.

10. Two new startups from recent UT ad grads. Conjunctured and Piryx.

9. Although this is student work, this monopoly redesign is still excellent.

8. Happy Promiscuous Mother's Day!

7. Your first job doesn't have to be your dream job.

6. Rampenfest.

5. Some new ways to tell a story in the 21st century.

4. Photoshop Disasters.

3. GSD&M has a new Executive Creative Director.

2. Modernista arouses the Wikipedia gods.

1. What I've learned in the past 42 months.


jocelyn_lai said...

ahh yes. the ranch summed up in one post. love it!

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