Friday, February 17, 2006

Advertising is Evil. Is it really?

When I tell people that I'm in advertising, the first reaction that I usually get is, something to the effect of, "Don't you feel bad about lying to people?"

Well, here's my spiel on it.

Advertising is a business. The bottom line is about turning a profit. Just like accounting, finance, and even hospitals' main goal is to make money. Yes hospitals are there to save people but if there are not enough patients (with insurance coverage) coming in then how are they going to pay their doctors and staff?

Noone accosts an accountant or stock trader about trying to do their job.

I think the real reason people think of advertising in a bad light is that advertising is one of the few industries (teaching is another) where emotions are utilized. People who are in advertising are genuinely passionate about their jobs. I have yet to meet a IT Systems Analyst (Computer Programmer) who isn't in it for the money. People think that because you're saying that a certain product will empower you or make you feel better, that that is deception.

Somehow, using the emotional factor is considered evil. Noone questions a McDonald's or Burger King manager about feeling bad about trying to fatten people.


Anonymous said...

Artists are passionate also. You could say that advertising is art with a message. And hey, I have met some passionate computer programmers out there.

Anonymous said...

Advertising isn't in itself evil just like how money in itself isn't evil. The evil part is the way how advertising affects our society which affects the way we act towards one another. We all know what's cool and what's not, and we all to some extent judge people by how well they fit into that mold. Advertising is all about selling the product without much concern about whether or not the product is necessary or not, but it's a job. It's still necessary in our society no matter how it affects us.

Anonymous said...

While I don't think I would accost an accountant or a stock trader (or advertiser)for trying to do their job, I do have issues with them. And I certainly WOULD question a McDonald's or Burger King manager for trying to fatten people!

Anonymous said...

I followed the link to your blog from your comment on GOOD's Billboard Debate. Just because something exists or is currently done a certain way does not excuse it from questioning or criticism. The issue isn't whether or not the advert cares about my feelings, it is that I have no choice but to care about it (because it is constantly in my face). That's not fair game.

Xdigg said...

Yeah this is what we do best check out some of our links below.

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