Friday, March 17, 2006

Big Plans for The Ranch

The Ranch has been gaining a lot of interest lately, thanks to David's efforts, so I wanted to announce that we have big plans in the midst. Contributors are suggesting a message board and portfolio section for all to share and discuss. If you have any suggestions, send it our way. We're going to make it happen, so be sure to add this one to your list of inspiring bookmarks.

edit: we're also going to update the layout!

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Anonymous said...

Hi David,
Nice work! So proud of you UT ad folks! We've had the pleasure of working with a few student interns here at McGarrah/Jessee & certainly have a few graduates in our midst.
Very happy to see our firm listed on the site in agency/alumnae section. Can I ask you to add another "e" to Jesse? It's a different name, we know - McGarrah/Jessee, slash is also included.
Thanks & let me know if you'd like one of our pros to contribute down the road.

Anonymous said...

I like good blogs. Hanoverian

Anonymous said...

Hi there Blogger, a real useful blog.Keep with the good work.
If you have a moment, please visit my association of fundraising professionals site.
I send you warm regards and wishes of continued success.

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LEGAL STUFF: The views expressed on The Ranch are not officially representative of the The University of Texas at Austin. © 2008. All rights reserved. Founded by David Wen, with Silver Cuellar's help, on a lonely February 14, 2006 in Austin, TX for the benefit of all.