Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Since when was 60 minutes cool?

I'm going to say something that's very obvious. Are you ready?

Google and Yahoo are the future of media.

Why else would one hundred year old TV Networks partner with ten year old websites to promote a venerable show like 60 minutes? Also, lest anyone forget, NBC partnered with Yahoo for The Apprentice too.

60 Minutes Interviews with Tiger Woods

Being online enables a lot more viewers to watch a TV show. It also allows more episodes to be shown. Basically, it's a "treasure trove" for devoted viewers of that particular TV show. But, at the same time, TVs still dominate the global society. TVs are still the most common objects in households worldwide.

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Jim R said...

Other websites could easily replace them in the future. It is probably more correct to say that the Internet is the media of the future.

Also, to pluralize acronyms, don't use an apostrope.

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