Friday, March 17, 2006

Congrats to Hill | Holiday

About the blog

Yep, we've read all the headlines, digested all the stats. The foundations of mid-20th century marketing are eroding all around us.

So what are we going to do about it?


Hill | Holiday is the first major advertising agency to have a blog. for it's homepage, nonetheless. Is this a trend or a fad?

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Anonymous said...

TBWA has a blog, and I believe they were the first. (albeit, it's not their home page) Check it out. Google for TBlogWA...or something like that.

Anonymous said...

It's already on the links section. It's by TBWA Portugal.

Anonymous said...

they are far from the first to have a blog, but probably one of the first to have it on the main page of the site.

Shame their posts are so dull and boring.

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