Friday, March 10, 2006

car companies race into a new market

so i have been meaning to write about this for sometime. what i will call: a curious venture into the dramatic reworkings of car companies' marketing campaigns to include the ever increasing hispanic market.
reading about the ford's fusion launch and its linking to "hurban" music (hispanic/urban) for a target of 18-34 year olds, got me to thinking of the countless other car campaigns going around. most importantly i got to thinking about the toyota camry hybrid commercial that aired during the superbowl. now as a 3rd generation mexican-american i can safely say that i probably was not the target audience on that one. but still, did anyone else think that the presentation was possibly the dryest, most deliberate (hence, awkward) delivery they've seen in awhile? to me, the message was undoubtedly clear, just a little too clear. in ford's instance, i feel as if they've pinpointed a nuance within the target (MUSIC!) and milked it. that's fine. because nowhere in the program does daddy yankee say "hey everyone, look at how much us hispanics like music!" and thank god for that.

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