Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Houdini Solution

There's a new book, to be released Aug. 31st, about creativity out by Ernie Schenck. Does his name sound familiar? It's because he's the guy who writes all those insightful articles in Communication Arts. Based on his credentials alone, I'm thinking this book will be exciting and helpful.

Because it's not out yet, here's the official book description on

Book Description

Transform the shackles of conformity into the tools for generating amazing, unconventional results

Houdini performed his greatest tricks within the confines of a box. Now one of the advertising industry's brightest and most innovative stars shows you how to do likewise: to use the power of thinking inside the box to unleash the power of innate creativity.

Who hasn't been extremely creative when boxed into an exceedingly tight deadline or budget? The Houdini Solution introduces a radical theory of how to generate more focused and powerful ideas by accepting, and even thriving on, constraints instead of being controlled by them. Filled with inspiring anecdotes and intriguing exercises that will yield surprising results, this book will spur you on to unleash the full power of your creativity, work magic in the workplace, and succeed beyond your wildest dreams.


monica said...

I'm all over this :) Thanks for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. It's kind of like focusing your thought like a laser, which forces your creativity in a specific dirction.


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