Friday, July 25, 2008

another suspicious ad from asia?

The word on the street is that asian advertising agencies aren't known for actually running highly creative ads in TV and print. They're merely entered in to award shows. Creative ads that are actually approved by clients are the most impressive work.

Via I believe in adv.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Speaking of user-generated content

This is kind of cool. Weezer performed their songs along with some die-hard fans.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Entry Level Salary Survey

This is from DHorridge.

"I'm trying to learn more about what entry level positions are paying these days. So, if you've been hired within the past 6-7 years, do me a favor and fill out this survey that I created. It only takes a couple minutes.

I get 100 respondents so it's first come, first served.

People are always asking me about salary advice, so I'm hoping this will really help out. We'll see."

You can also read the AIGA 2008 Salary Survey here.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Our world is changing

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Things are not always what they seem

Thanks to Elizabeth, The American Creativity Association - UT Chapter President, for the link

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