Thursday, April 13, 2006

Help:'s Portfolio Night IV

Portfolio night IV started as Portfolio night in Canada and only ran in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto. Since then has expanded into the United States and look to take the event to Europe next year. Ihaveanidea's Portfolio night is the largest simultaneous portfolio review in the history of advertising.

It runs simultaneously in 9 cities across Canada and the United states (from east to west: San Francisco, Vancouver, Calgary, Chicago, Toronto, New York, Montreal, Boston, Halifax). They invite the top creative directors from each city and give juniors, students and hopefuls the chance to sit down one on one and review their portfolio's with the best of the best.

They're just trying to strengthen the ad industry and show the advertising world that we can all unite at anytime and work together to improve our industry. Every creative director, every sponsor, every participant is taking the future of advertising in their hands on May 4 to make sure that the next generation of advertising is the best generation of advertising.

On their site you can check out all the press releases and galleries from the past 3 years and see all the schedules.
Ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night 2006

Now what are you waiting for? Go. Go. Go.


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