Monday, January 18, 2010

Controversial non-profit ads

It seems like non-profit organizations have to be more shocking,which generates more attention, in their advertising as they don't have the big budgets that for-profit corporations do. One example are the DDB Brazil ads for WWF comparing the relatively few deaths of 9/11 with the extraordinary number of people who died in the 2005 Asian tsunami.

A recent Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) ad.

Via The Agitator.

The Brazilian WWF ad.

Via Adfreak.


John said...

It is disturbing, however considering the current mental capacity of the average American combined with their greedy self-absorbed personalities, I highly doubt there could be a more effective way to get the message across.people who create scam ads should be treated the same way as sporting cheats. They should banned from entering competitions for a certain number of years.
acekard ds

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