Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Top Ten Most Viewed Posts of 2009

While I realize it's already 2010, here are the top ten most visited posts of 2009 on The Ranch according to unique pageviews. Not all posts were published in 2009.

10. Texas Rangers advertising

9. Interview with Ignacio Oreamuno,founder of ihaveanidea.

8. Letter to college students from a mom.

7. Simple is the new black.

6. Maturity is overrated.

5. Advertising is evil. Is it really?

I drew attention to this post after reading the comments on GOOD magazine's post about banning billboards. Go to page 5 and 6 of the comments.

4. Interview with Ernie Schenck.

Ernie is currently working at Hill Holiday Advertising.

3. Top 40 Real Men of Genius commercials.

2. Interview with Peter Rosch.

Peter has become a director with Sandwick Films and freelance copywriter.

1. Interview with David Baldwin.

David has started a new agency called Baldwin&.


John said...

Most of all sites are related to continue life,original life not with any done act.Educated people are never like to west there time and always wondering for new knowledge so no wonder for visited sites like interview,letter,simple or good magazine's post and Maturity!

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