Sunday, February 20, 2011

King Yesterday. Gone Today.

The speed the way business models and idea conception has evolved over the past 10 years has really paid tribute to consumer trends and habits. 

A great example is this infographic on Netflix evolution and how it has shifted the movie renting model stretching the fact on what's important: content, home, fast and when you want it. If I recall correctly, Netflix tried to sell to Blockbuster a few years back with no success. There was a lack of vision by somebody there. 

Now, there are studies, talks and even workshops on how would you be able to save Blockbuster from what it appears to be a freefall to failure. Maybe it's their time, but I do believe something must and could be done with all the infrastructure created to this day and most importantly, we got ourselves a brand here. 

Adapt or dissapear is apparently the new way of envisioning your business at, if that were not enough, blazing speeds.

Ideas anyone?


David Wen said...

This is a brilliant infographic!

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